Planted tanks offer the more natural habitat of the underwater world. They hold more aesthetic appeal, showing aquatic life. The planted tanks are a little more challenging than the fish-only setup. Plants are the main item of a planted tank with fis ...
Cleaning the fish aquarium is important if neglected; it causes diseases to aquarium critters. Fish waste produces ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, which are toxic for fish. To keep these in range, water changes and the removal of fish waste are necess ...
Aquascaping or underwater gardening (landscaping underwater) is the art of beautifully arranging aquariums with rocks, driftwood, stones, water plants, and fish. Moreover, this involves decorating aquariums with different underwater elements and main ...
Aquarium substrate is the material used in a fish tank base. The choice of choosing aquarium substrate is up to an aquarist. It also depends on the type of fish you are going to keep. Gravel is the best pick for freshwater fish. Here are some types ...
Aquarists love to keep betta fish in their aquariums. They are vibrant, having long flowing fins, which they display while swimming gracefully in an aquarium. But, Like all other fish, they eat and excrete. Regular cleaning of the betta fish tank mai ...
Tetras are the most beautiful and easy-to-keep kind of fish. They can adjust with every other specie if they are not big enough to chew them up. Tetras are not that easy to breed compared to some other species. The most common type of tetra lays eggs ...